Living with a handicap: the case of Philippe Aubert

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Philippe AUBERT

Student, INS HEA, MA (Sociology)

Jean-Pierre AUBERT

Philippe’s father


Student, INS HEA, university assistant

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday March 4, 2015 - 9h00 - 11h30

Philippe Aubert is an ‘extra-ordinary’ person. He had an accident at birth which means he can neither speak nor move. Despite this, he did not resign himself to the passive life which society and even institutions which care for people with disabilities had predestined for him. Philippe is extraordinarily intelligent and has an outstanding source of energy. He has invented and mastered a way to communicate with his family and especially with Jackson Sintina, his carer. The two of them helped create the first hall of residence in the Île-de-France region for severely handicapped students, and they have also taken part in humanitarian operations in many countries. In 2014, Philippe graduated with a Master’s degree in sociology and is now studying for a specialised Master’s in order to start working professionally. However, his determination has put him at odds with institutions dealing with handicapped people which are fully aware that they are restricting his progress. He also has to be enterprising when faced with short-sighted administrative policies.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°117 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Soulever des montagnes.

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