Mobile games: a very creative world

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President and founder, Playsoft; Vice-president, national union of video games

Seminar Creation | Tuesday September 8, 2015 - 8h45 - 11h00

The mobile game sector is extremely dynamic. In ten years‚ the turnovers of start-ups have topped one billion dollars. ‘Angry Birds’‚ ‘Candy Crush’ and ‘Clash of Clans’ have become global phenomena, and each week 1,500 new games appear on-line. The characteristics of this highly creative sector include few entrance barriers, access in a click to players throughout the world, and environments which can change very quickly. France‚ birthplace of well-known video game studios some of which are world leaders‚ could easily have taken a front seat in this sector but was not capable of developing mobile games, and today lags behind. It would not need very much to breathe new life into this sector in France and recreate a video game ecosystem. However, unfortunately public financial support is not forthcoming because the government does not appear to have understood the issues at stake in this industry.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°119 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le mécanique et le vivant.

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