Apix Analytics: from laboratory to international company


Cofounder and former CEO, Apix Analytics

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday November 18, 2020 - 8h45 - 10h45

To go from an idea in the laboratory, from a disruptive innovation to a real industrial product that meets identified needs, the path is long and tortuous, punctuated by intuitions, opportunities, encounters, chances and disappointments. The final result can be very different from the original idea. Philippe Andreucci, co-founder of the alliance between the french laboratory CEA-Leti and the California Institute of Technology, gives us a feedback on the transition from a Franco-American upstream technology to a company exploiting its applications (miniaturised gas analysers for industry and the environment). How do we move from the Casimir effect to multi-gas analysis? How can international academic cooperation on nanosytems lead to the creation of a company in France? What are the useful support tools and good practices to be amplified, or the pitfalls to be avoided?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°149 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Transformations de fond.

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