Ragni Group, a leader in the field of public lighting

Marcel RAGNI

President of Ragni Group

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday June 22, 2021 - 17h30 - 19h30

The history of the Ragni company is a family saga. Since its creation in 1927 by an Italian refugee, Victor Ragni, it has been developed by four generations and currently has 150 employees. In 1992, it embarked on exports, which today represent 30% of its turnover. In 2018, it joined the United Nations Global Compact, thereby committing itself to contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals, in particular by promoting sensible lighting that respects nocturnal biodiversity. It resists competition from low-cost Chinese products by selling smart lighting packages, rather than simple street lamps. In addition, the president, Marcel Ragni, puts people at the heart of the company and this is certainly what has enabled it to get through the Covid-19 crisis without too much difficulty, with a 25% reduction in turnover but a 15% financial result. His two sons, Jean-Christophe and Stéphane, who are now associate general managers, are preparing to take over.

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This session was published in issue n°153 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'esprit d'équipe.

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