Making good use of old people's homes

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FVA management

Danièle HÉLIAS

President of the association Retraite Assistance Seniors Services


Historian and trained lawyer

Seminar Social life | Thursday April 11, 2002

A very large number of old people suffer from cerebral dysfunction regarded as insanity. This is a real problem for the public health service. The family has to look after the relative who has 'lost his marbles' on a 24-hour basis, an ordeal which often leads to nervous break-downs. The solution is to place the dependent person in a specialised institution. The family has to face up to many difficulties associated with finding a suitable establishment, obtaining the finance, and overcoming feelings of guilt. The directors of the establishment instil life into the establishment while at the same time managing it. They prevent all kinds of deviance in this setting where the risk of maltreatment is real. The staff reassure the residents by their constant presence, by the care they provide, and by the help they give. With their kindly manner and with suitable activities they try to keep up morale.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°38 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Audace et clairvoyance .

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