AXON' takes off in the countryside around Montmirail

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Joseph PUZO

Chairman and managing director, AXON'

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Thursday May 2, 2002

The coming together of an experienced electronics engineer who went to INSEAD business school, and a small provincial factory without a manager, resulted in a new development which appears to been smiled upon by chance. However, is it really a question of chance that the new manager grabs opportunities, meets the right people, recruits only beginners, allows academics to run the R&D, sets up a factory on a listed site, and wins over bankers with a blowtorch ? This manager, atypical in more ways than one, is nevertheless formidably efficient. He was intelligent enough to buy the factory and expand his company both in France and abroad. What does the company make ? Top-of-the-range electronic cables. For what purpose ? Advanced interconnective solutions. In which sectors ? The army, space, aeronautics, telecommunications, the medical sector, computing and many others. Its head office ? At Montmirail, a small rural town in the south of the Marne département, halfway between Reims and Paris, where the adventure began.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°38 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Audace et clairvoyance .

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