Podcast : World hunger : avoiding red herrings


Auteur de l'ouvrage La faim dans le monde : crises d'aujourd'hui et défis de demain

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Auteur de l'ouvrage La faim dans le monde : crises d'aujourd'hui et défis de demain

Philippe CHALMIN

Professeur à l'université Paris IX Dauphine, Coauteur du rapport Cyclope sur les matières premières, Auteur de Le monde a faim (Bourin Editeur, 2009)


Directeur du Groupe ESA, Auteur de Nourrir l'humanité (Éditions La Découverte, réédition 2009)

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday December 7, 2009 - 19h - 21h15

Between 2007 and 2008 hunger riots took place. Their causes have not always been very well analysed either by the media or by politicians. It is neither the demand for bio fuels nor the increased consumption of meat in developing countries which are responsible for price increases provoking people in towns to demonstrate on the streets, but a particularly low level of these reserves and speculation linked to the financial crisis. Furthermore, contrary to the image portrayed of these events, the main victims of hunger are 20 % town dwellers and 80 % farmers. Farmers are faced with infrastructure shortages including roads (which are necessary for transportation and the sale of agricultural production), and silos (for storage), and having to deal with local fluctuations in price. The solution to the problem of hunger is well known : agricultural policies, which include price guarantees, the creation of infrastructures, and training must be implemented. But who will foot the bill in countries where neither the taxpayers nor the consumers are solvent ? A new Marshall Plan seems to be the only possible way forward. "Écouter ou télécharger l'enregistrement de cette séance":http://video.ecole.org/podcastsoireedebat071209/


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0:00 - 02:51


Exposé de David Parlongue et Frédéric Baudouin

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0:00 - 25:27


Exposé de Bruno Parmentier

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0:00 - 17:01


Exposé de Philippe Chalmin

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0:00 - 18:40


Première partie du débat

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0:00 - 39:45


Deuxième partie du débat

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0:00 - 23:01


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