Biomimetics : nature as a source of innovation

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Managing director, CEEBIOS (Centre européen d’excellence en biomimétisme de Senlis)

Antonio MOLINA

President, CEEBIOS (Centre européen d’excellence en biomimétisme de Senlis)

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday April 26, 2017 - 8h45 - 10h45

Biomimetics (bio = life, mimesis = imitation) is an innovation strategy which consists of drawing inspiration from living organisms to make technologies and human societies more efficient. It has applications in the following sectors: energy, ‘soft chemistry’, high-performance eco-materials, and industrial ecology. In France, more than one hundred and seventy laboratories and eighty companies are active in biomimetics. In order to prolong the success of their approach beyond that of a few pioneering achievements, we have to create generic methodologies to make sure that those involved adopt them. The Senlis Centre européen d’excellence en biomimétisme (CEEBIOS: European Centre of excellence in biomimetics) intends to address these issues by decompartmentalising the disciplines involved, bringing fundamental research and industry closer together, making regions aware of these processes, and establishing training programmes. Its aim is to make France the pioneer in the development of biomimetics as the tool in the ecological transition to bring together biodiversity, innovation and the economic world.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°129 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Réconcilier les futurs.

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