The e-commerce decrypted by a French champion

Emmanuel GRENIER

CEO, Cdiscount

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday December 13, 2021 - 17h30 - 19h30

The e-commerce is steadily gaining ground on traditional trade and the health crisis has further accentuated the phenomenon. But to what extent? This is what Emmanuel Grenier, head of Cdiscount for the past fourteen years, is analysing. He is an exception in an environment where competition is particularly fierce, business models are reinvented every three years, bosses change and players disappear one after another. How did an online DVD sales site, born in Bordeaux in 1998, become a leading tech company? Indeed, Cdiscount does not only occupy a very enviable second place in the French e-commerce market, it also sells and exports its technology and logistical capacities to other companies. When you add to this the fact that it belongs to the Casino group, whose other subsidiaries such as Monoprix are strategic allies of Amazon, you can appreciate the richness and uniqueness of this managerial feedback.

The Phénix

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This session was published in issue n°156 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled De l'air dans les silos.

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