The unlikely digital transformation of Health in France


Ministerial Delegate for Digital Health

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday November 29, 2021 - 17h30 - 19h30

“Too complex, too political, too fragmented, untransformable... don't go there!” That’s what was said to Laura Létourneau, who was noticed for her book Ubérisons l'État ! Avant que d’autres ne s’en chargent (Let's outsource the state! Before others take over), when she was offered the responsibility for the digital transformation of Health in France, in an unlikely coupling with the director of a private clinic in Toulouse known for its exemplary. However, two and a half years after her arrival, the digital roadmap co-constructed with all the stakeholders, based on the irritants identified, has become a reality for everyone. This success is the result of the tension in the ecosystem, in which the French government only plays the role of strategist and facilitator, and of commitments kept one after the other, whereas until now, dead projects and declarations with no future were piled up. Is this not the GAFAM method, with an ethical, humanistic and civic supplement, to which have been added the heroism of civil servants in times of pandemic and tenfold financial resources?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°155 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'engagement.

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