Transforming companies by making them reinventing themselves


Founder and managing partner of Prospheres

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday March 22, 2022 - 17h30 - 19h30

At the request of the shareholder, Prospheres takes temporary responsibility for an activity in order to improve its economic model. Alongside or instead of the manager, Prospheres initiates a demanding and collective process to greatly increase the employees' power and the subsidiarity of decision making. The employees meet in working groups to analyse the sources of value creation and destruction, and thus bring to light realities masked by beliefs or feelings. A transformation project then emerges, which may involve the mourning of the way in which the employees previously represented the company and its role. After twelve to eighteen months, the transformation is well underway and Prospheres' mission is complete. Over the past twenty-one years, Prospheres has assisted more than 185 companies with a turnover ranging from 2 million to 1,000 million euros.

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This session was published in issue n°159 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Pour faire un monde.

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