How to launch an industrial start-up in France?


President and co-founder of Aerial Coboticus

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday April 12, 2022 - 17h30 - 19h30

Observing a construction site where parts that were not easily accessible were poorly handled, Asma Bouaouaja and Clément Serrat had the idea of creating flying construction machines in the form of powerful drones dedicated to intensive work and connected to the ground by a cable, in order to operate continuously and to transport fluids. Visiting potential customers, they saw a huge market (savings on scaffolding, increased safety, etc.). They manufactured their prototypes, a flight software, a digital twin and a propulsion system in partnership with Siemens. After starting with the support of relatives and seed institutions, they are ready to launch development. Yet investing in an industrial start-up seems to frighten players who, on the other hand, fund digital start-ups beyond measure. When the company and its machine are selected by the France Relance plan to intervene in the nuclear sector, the stars finally seem to start aligning...

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This session was published in issue n°158 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La trajectoire et la perspective.

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