The amazing rise of a Moroccan tech multinational

Mohamed HORANI

Président de HPS

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Friday December 16, 2022 - 10h30 - 12h30

How did a Moroccan company become the technology partner of the world’s largest financial institutions – over 450 banks, including 5 of the world's top 50 – in the crucial field of electronic payments? Here’s Mohamed Horani’s adventure. Having worked as an expert in the payment industry since the 1980s, he took a new direction in 1995 when he set up HPS, a company dedicated to supporting banks that, at that time, wanted to regain their autonomy in the area of electronic payments. What followed was an improbable entrepreneurial adventure, in a sector where it is difficult to enter, until the company was listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange in 2006 and achieved multinational status. The company’s credibility is the result of an extraordinary R&D effort, an obsession with quality and agility, and a perfect knowledge of the business in which it trains its teams, as well as its customers and partners, at its in-house university (HPS Academy).

The entire article was written by:


Christophe DESHAYES

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This session was published in issue n°165 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Renouveler les regards, libérer les potentiels.

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