Podcast : Well-being at work : is the digital revolution a game-changer ?

Christophe DESHAYES

Author, ‘Petit traité du bonheur 2.0’ (pub. Armand Colin, February 2013)

Frédéric HENRION

Director of human resources, Lyonnaise des Eaux

Jean-Baptiste STUCHLIK

Author, ‘Petit traité du bonheur 2.0’ (pub. Armand Colin, February 2013)

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday April 8, 2013 - 19h - 21h15

We are constantly reminded by advertisements that there is an app for everything, whether it is to get fit, raise our children better, grow old well, be positive, lose weight or improve our spiritual practices. There are many other possibilities from the most trivial to the most intimate, the only limit being the creativity of the app developers. The smartphone now gauges our lives with regard to its algorithms: it advises us, protects us, and promises to free us of our addictions and bad habits. Incidentally, insurers think it is wonderful as they see it as a means to reduce health costs, and it is beginning to intrigue businesses which foresee the emergence of new requests from their employees and clients, and are trying to evaluate the impact. With these new digital tools, there is a whole world of practices which are just waiting to be invented. So, let’s talk about it !


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0:00 - 02:02


Exposé de Christophe Deshayes et Jean-Baptiste Stuchlik

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0:00 - 27:52


Exposé de Frédéric Henrion

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0:00 - 12:23


Première partie du débat

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0:00 - 38:20


Deuxième partie du débat

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0:00 - 37:07


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