Christophe DESHAYES

He holds a doctorate in management science from the Cnam, and is a researcher in residence at the École de Paris du management, where he runs the Digital and Entrepreneurial Transformations seminar. He is also co-director of the Phénix Chair - Major Companies of the Future (Mines Paris - PSL). He is the author of numerous articles and books, including La transformation numérique et les patrons - Les dirigeants à la manœuvre (Presses des mines, Les Docs de La Fabrique collection, April 2019). Since 1996, he has founded and managed several technology watch firms, the first of which was a spin-off from Atos, where he had previously held operational positions (subsidiary director, major projects director) and staff positions (special advisor to the Chairman).

This speaker took part in the following sessions

What you should read in order to avoid the ERP traps

October 1, 2004 | Seminar Business life | Session report

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