Podcast : Efficient governance of companies and markets


Historian; Former merchant banker and consultant; Author of ‘Crise dans la gouvernance: éthique des affaires et recherche du profit’

Dominique JACQUET

Professor, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre, École des Ponts ParisTech and INSEAD

Laurent TRÉCA

President, ARVAL; Former director in charge of strategy and development, BNP Paribas

Seminar Guest speakers | Thursday April 5, 2012 - 19h - 21h15

With crises which no-one seems to understand constantly repeating themselves, people prophesising doom shouting out the truth which falls on deaf ears, a frenzy for financial gain seizing both traders and small shareholders alike, and smooth-talking crooks slyly convincing academics and business magnets, the world seems more like Jerome Bosch’s painting ‘Ship of Fools’ than the muted serenity upon which the financial world once prided itself. But can tall trees grow to the sky like investors once said ? As far as François Valérian is concerned, the roots of evil can be found in the beliefs which grad hold of us but which also reassure us in the face of a world which has become too complex. In the absence of efficient regulations, and faced with governments entangled in debt, can the infernal machine of global finance escape even the people who created it ?


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0:00 - 04:57


Exposé de François Valérian

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0:00 - 40:51


Exposé de Laurent Tréca

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0:00 - 26:38


Exposé de Dominique Jacquet

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0:00 - 17:41


Première partie du débat

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0:00 - 21:52


Deuxième partie du débat

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0:00 - 23:01


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