How to reform

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Jean-Paul BAILLY

Former president, RATP (operator of the Parisian transport system) and La Poste (French national post office); author of Réformez ! par le dialogue et la confiance

Seminar Business life | Friday October 6, 2017 - 9h30 - 12h00

In response to the claim that France and its major public companies cannot be reformed, Jean-Paul Bailly replies that change is possible if it is understood. He speaks from experience. He was CEO of the RATP and then La Poste, both of which had the reputation of being quick to take strike action. However, he managed to carry out several large-scale changes in both companies without any great problem. In his book entitled Réformez ! par le dialogue et la confiance which took the form of an account and was published by Descartes & Cie in September 2016 with a preface written by Emmanuel Macron, he identifies the key elements which should preside any management change, both in business and in public life in general. These include good time management, a strategic and clearly explained vision, decentralised organisation, and the establishment of a dialogue ‘based on trust’.

Réformez ! par le dialogue et la confiance de Jean-Paul Bailly, préface d’Emmanuel Macron (Descartes & Cie, septembre 2016).

This session was published in issue n°131 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Du coeur à la réforme.

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