A small publishing house opening up a new world

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Founder, Éditions Zulma

Seminar Creation | Tuesday May 15, 2018 - 8h45 - 11h00

Laure Leroy devised a strategy for giving a ‘second lease of life’ to her publishing company. It was based on a first, improvised experience soon after she graduated and was also one of her wildest dreams. She is now the only person in charge of the company which publishes literature from all over the world. In fact, a whole portion of literature had been forgotten, including different works with other sorts of poems and other writings which give a different perspective on life and the impression that the world is growing. This was the setting in which the publishing house Zulma emerged, in a laid-back market where there was not a great deal of competition and in which there were many masterpieces. The challenges, however, were huge. Firstly, Laure Leroy had to find authors who wrote in so-called ‘rare’ languages as well as high-quality translators who would enable readers to immerse themselves in these unfamiliar environments. She also had to think up means of promoting books which ordinarily did not have a large readership. This all took place within a small publishing house where size was naturally imposed by the attention to detail given in all the realms of its activity. 

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°134 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Basculements merveilleux.

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