Field of activity : Culture and leisure

A small publishing house opening up a new world

Tuesday may 15, 2018 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

Le paradis suspendu du Cirque Plume

Tuesday march 13, 2018 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

The fabulous destiny of the Somme Bay railway

Tuesday december 12, 2017 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

A journey into the cultural politics of Nantes

Tuesday november 14, 2017 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

The miraculous shipwreck in Arles

Tuesday september 12, 2017 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

The remarkable domination of French handball

Thursday april 27, 2017 | 10h30 - 12h30 | Seminar Creation

Que le Soleil rayonne encore

Tuesday may 10, 2016 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

Has the time come for artist-entrepreneurs?

Tuesday march 8, 2016 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

La mystérieuse alchimie de l'Atelier Nawak

Tuesday february 9, 2016 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

Mobile games: a very creative world

Tuesday september 8, 2015 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

Public investment to aid creative industries

Tuesday april 7, 2015 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

The role of public authorities in the performing arts

Tuesday february 10, 2015 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

The new levers of cultural activity

Tuesday september 16, 2014 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

Olivier Roellinger's orchestra

Tuesday december 10, 2013 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

More than just talent

Tuesday november 12, 2013 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Digital publishing : a case study

Tuesday may 14, 2013 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Art and public commissions : chalk and cheese ?

Tuesday march 19, 2013 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Who is theatre for ?

Tuesday february 5, 2013 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Agat Films : a group project

Tuesday january 22, 2013 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

The singularity of the Café de la Gare

Tuesday october 9, 2012 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

The state of the music industry

Tuesday june 12, 2012 | 9h45 - 12h | Seminar Creation

Jazz en cuisine

Tuesday may 15, 2012 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

The winning score of the Patrouille de France

Tuesday march 13, 2012 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

is wine losing its soul ?

Tuesday november 8, 2011 | 9h30 - 11h45 | Seminar Creation

Making the TV News

Tuesday april 5, 2011 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Winning at the top of one's game

Tuesday january 11, 2011 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Managing a company like an orchestra

Tuesday april 13, 2010 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Le "Français", ce paquebot...

Tuesday february 16, 2010 | 8h45 - 11h00 | Seminar Creation

The role of the circus in the revival of the theatre

Tuesday october 13, 2009 | 8h45 à 11h00 | Seminar Creation

The techniques of liberated architecture

Tuesday september 15, 2009 | 8h45 - 11h | Seminar Creation

Anatomy of a cult film

Tuesday february 10, 2009 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

The Louvre museum in Lens

Wednesday february 4, 2009 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions

The television which has revolutionised television

Tuesday october 14, 2008 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

The creation of the Beijing Opera House

Tuesday june 10, 2008 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

A perfume editor : a new concept for creators

Tuesday may 13, 2008 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

The sucess of the 'PRINTEMPS DE BOURGES' music fectival

Tuesday february 12, 2008 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

The miracle of french animation

Tuesday january 8, 2008 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

Comment dire qu'un talent est nouveau ?

Tuesday december 11, 2007 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

Publishers and the dictatorship of the circuit

Tuesday november 13, 2007 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

The story behind the penguins on the ice floe

Tuesday october 9, 2007 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

From Pixar's kitchens

Tuesday july 3, 2007 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

Twenty-three egos in one boat

Tuesday january 9, 2007 | 9h30 - 11h30 | Seminar Creation

DUCASSE and CHANEL : a marriage made in ... Japan

Tuesday september 20, 2005 | 8h45 - 10h45 | Seminar Creation

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