O4CP : a pharmaceutical company specialised in the paediatric market

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Vincent GREK

Président, Directeur médical de O4CP

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday March 27, 2013 - 8h45 - 10h45

A large number of medicines are prescribed for children despite the fact that their formulations are not adapted for children and they have never been tested on patients in this age group. Furthermore, they do not taste very nice and therefore it is difficult to administer them to very young children. These facts prompted Vincent Grek, who had worked for ten years in well-known pharmaceutical R&D research laboratories, to add an Executive MBA to his medical training and launch Only for Children Pharmaceuticals (O4CP)‚ the first pharmaceutical company dedicated exclusively to children. The company’s launch was encouraged by new paediatric legislation adopted in 2007 by the European Medicine Agency, and the fact that the global market for paediatric medicine was estimated to be worth 5 billion Euros. Seven years later, O4CP has already eleven medicines in the pipeline and the company is considering a stock exchange flotation.

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This session was published in issue n°107 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Distance et engagement.

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