How does an industrial small or medium-sized entreprise (SME) or a region move up-market ?

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Joseph PUZO

CEO, Axon’ Cable, President, Matéralia competitiveness cluster

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday April 17, 2013 - 8h45 - 10h45

In 2002, Joseph Puzo gave a talk at the École de Paris about how he transformed Habia‚ an obscure producer of wires and cables in the countryside near Montmirail which its foreign owner wanted to sell‚ into an international group offering advanced solutions for problems of interconnectivity, which employed one thousand five hundred people. What has happened to his medium-sized company over the past twelve years ? How has he adapted the company to survive the economic crisis ? Can he reproduce his strategy of going up-market in the context of a competitiveness cluster dealing exclusively in industrial materials‚ of which he has been the president for the past year ? How does one convince SMEs which are scattered over a region to go up-market, and how does one help them do this ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°103 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Réinventer l'avenir.

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