Economy and solidarity

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Jean-Louis LAVILLE

Sociologist and economist, in charge of research, CNRS, CRIDA-LSCI

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President, Comité national de liaison des Régies de quartier (national liaison committee for managing urban areas)

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday March 25, 1996

The increase in jobs which are salaried is a recent phenomenon. It ressembes the silent revolution which marked the beginning of the post Second World War boom years, and is characterised by a spectacular creation of jobs in a period of strong growth in the economy, and the progressive replacement of social consciousness on a local level by institutional solidarity. Once the economy slows down, the effects on jobs is dramatic : jobs tend to vanish into thin air along with institutional solidarity. Innovative solutions are being devised to cope with these problems, such as the Régies de quartier which attempt to restore notions of citizenship in the most affected areas and relaunch the local economy and jobs in a modified form of solidarity on a local level.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

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