What are the means of growth for an innovative, technological company with strong potential?

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President, EReIE

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday January 15, 2014 - 8h45 - 10h45

As a result of the knowledge he acquired throughout his career as a researcher at Mines ParisTech engineering school‚ Denis Clodic founded a company which develops three ‘green’ technologies. These are heat pumps which are capable of reducing energy consumption in the production of hot water for sanitary use by a factor of 7; the purification of biogas by the freezing of carbon dioxide and the liquefaction of biomethane; and the decontamination of fumes and heat recovery in order to produce electricity. The unforeseeable difficulties encountered by this industrial start-up in the current French climate forced it to raise twice as much capital as that which would have been necessary in a more efficient, traditional environment. These constraints weigh heavily on the launch of a start-up and the profitability of young French companies, especially in an industry which requires substantial capital investment.

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