The Scic: contributing to a groupe project

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Adelphe de TAXIS DU POËT

In charge of innovation, Confédération générale des Sociétés coopératives et participatives (CG Scop)

Alexandre GRENIER

Manager, Scic Med Clichy

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Managing director, Auto2 Scic SA

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday January 14, 2015 - 9h00 - 11h30

The status of the société coopérative d’intérêt collectif (Scic : co-operative community-oriented enterprise), created in 2001, opens up the possibility of an association between different groups, both private and public, to take part in a project contributing to the public good within a region. The significance and social utility of the activity is crucial. As such, the Scic is a way of formalising social innovations economically with the need to conform to a democratic governance system where each person has a voice and where no-one can take precedence over another. This reasoning demands some kind of cultural adaptation especially from people involved in the public sphere, but is favourable to embracing the complexity of socio-economic issues which exist at the regional level, especially in the context of health, as shown by the example of Med Clichy, or of mobility, with the example of Auto2.

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