Efficiency in diversity: the case of Jolokia

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Director, Team Jolokia

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday April 6, 2016 - 9h00 - 11h30

Pierre Meisel studied philosophy and anthropology at the Sorbonne. A number of questions had preoccupied him for a long time, such as how do cultures coexist, and how can internal differences be transformed into a collective force? He preferred to be actively involved in a good cause rather than pursue an academic career. Having taken part in high-level sailing competitions, he decided to start an association with others, Jolokia, the aim of which was to bring together on a 20-metre sailing boat a variety of people: young and old; men and women; handicapped and able-bodied; and people who came from all walks of life. Jolokia finished among the top three in five sailing competitions, having competed against tough professionals. An analysis of these experiences is interesting for companies notably because of two key ideas. Firstly, management is all about relationships, and secondly, the fact that each person is unique may become a strength for the group as long as one knows how to exploit it. Diversity can become a way of improving performance.


The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°122 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Réalités illusoires et rêves réalistes.

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