Kima Ventures: a high-frequency business angel

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Partner, Kima Ventures

Seminar Creation | Tuesday February 12, 2019 - 8h45 - 11h00

Kima Ventures merits its reputation as ‘the most active business angel in the world’. It analyses thirty projects every day, conducts thirty team meetings per week, and invests in approximately one hundred start-ups every year. This hectic pace is accompanied by outstanding performances demonstrated by an internal rate of return above the market average, cash outflows two to three times the initial investment, and resounding successes including Capitaine Train and Zenly. Surprisingly, this achievement is from a team of only three people, including its director Jean de La Rochebrochard. Is this team particularly talented, or just a winning formula? The Kima model is based on a clear vision of entrepreneurship, a very precise process, continuous learning and the belief in a virtuous circle of performance, reputation and attractiveness, all of which are inherent in the best projects. Kima provides solutions to questions regarding the financing of company projects and devises new methods to support efforts to establish new companies. 

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This session was published in issue n°138 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Sur la ligne de crête.

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