The Conversation: a ray of light in the media darkness?

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President, The Conversation France

Seminar Creation | Tuesday June 11, 2019 - 8h45 - 11h00

The media are undergoing fundamental change. Social networks, and, more generally speaking, the well-known digital platforms which are competing for clients, combine abundant and varied contents, and in so doing blend communication, information, opinion and advertising in a constant frenzy of noise. At the same time, there is increasing distrust of the established mass media which is giving rise to new media channels, better adapted to the current context, which have short formats, often use videos, and are designed to be spread by the media ‘buzz’. The Conversation emerged in reaction to this sense of distrust, and from the conviction that there are skills yet to be discovered in the academic and research world. ‘New voices’ need to be heard in public debate in order to cast light on a world which is losing its bearings. The Conversation started in Australia where its originality proved successful. It was moved to France in 2015. Its rapid audience growth – currently ten million online readers every month – suggests that there is a real demand for this form of media content. 

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°140 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Effondrement des certitudes.

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