Brut: access to information

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Guillaume LACROIX

Founder and CEO, Brut

Seminar Creation | Tuesday September 10, 2019 - 8h45 - 11h00

Brut numbers are staggering. In less than three years since it was created, Brut has accumulated one billion video views every month by 250 million people throughout the world, has 10 million followers, creates 30 videos every day, and is available in 6 countries. Its contents are accessible in 60 countries. The new generation of young people is ‘global’, and videos shown on social networks have become their primary means of access to information. Brut’s three experienced founders, who had previously worked in traditional media, recognised the opportunity presented by this radical change in the spread of information. They wanted to convey their political point of view to young people and establish themselves as the ‘third generation’ platform media. Their gamble is paying off. The company is in the process of establishing its business model. Brut is the leading media channel on social networks in France. Its brand is widely recognised, and its rapidly expanding team has familiarised itself with the conventions of communication in this age of social networks and global media. 

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°142 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L’autonomie, une révolution quantique ?.

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