How to manage unmanageable creatives?

Elmar MOCK

Founder, Creaholic SA, Chairman of the Board, Gjosa SA

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday February 17, 2021 - 8h45 - 10h45

Creativity is the search for the unsuspected. It means to go into the unknown. The creator does not keep his promises, unlike the project manager or the industrialist. This is disturbing in our educational and political system where we are trained to obey. One does not decide to be an inventor: it is the result of an action. The ability to invent is more a matter of attitude than a matter of aptitude. Moreover, the inventor is never alone, he is always surrounded by a team of creative people. There are two innovation's killers: the feeling of unfairness and the lack of trust. So we had to reduce the feeling of unfairness and create a state of trust. For forty years, Creaholic has defined itself as 'a society of creative people with no future'. Neither work nor pay is guaranteed. Like trust, instability is a key concept in creation.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°150 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Laborieuse créativité.

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