Is China's liberalisation good news?


Engineer of the École des mines, author of a thesis on the opening of China to competition

Arthur NEVEU

Engineer of the École des mines, author of a thesis on the opening of China to competition

Seminar Business life | Friday September 11, 2020 - 09h30 - 12h00

While they were welcome to promote its industrial development in the 2000s, Western companies are now experiencing more and more difficulties in penetrating the Chinese market. The industrialists interviewed by Victor Mabille and Arthur Neveu describe a new phase, far from the image of China developing national champions by reserving the domestic market for them with aggressive protectionism. Indeed, in many sectors, China has reached the same industrial maturity as Western companies. To continue to develop, it no longer needs protectionist measures and, on the contrary, is seeking to normalise its economy and fully integrate into global multilateralism. Its national champions need a competitive framework for innovation rather than a government block on competition. However, this opening up does not make the Chinese market any easier to access for French companies...

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°147 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Transcender la complexité.

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