Reinventing work at PSA Group


Human Resources Director France, PSA Group

Christophe RAUTURIER

Chief Digital Officer, PSA Group

Seminar Business life | Thursday January 21, 2021 - 14h00 - 16h00

The health crisis has demonstrated that telework is possible on a large scale. Many companies would like to capitalise on this experience. For PSA Group, which in 2019 had already recorded three million hours of remote work, the health crisis was an opportunity to change scale and launch a project to deeply transform the relationship with work and the workplace. The objective is now, for all professions that allow it, to work only 30% of the time on site and 70% at home, for better individual, collective and environmental efficiency. This involves not only the dissemination of technological tools to facilitate and structure telework, but also a reflection on the optimisation of time in order to reserve the most relational aspects of work for time spent on site. It is also a question of rethinking the layout of premises in order to give them real added value to encourage interaction and creativity.

The Phénix

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This session was published in issue n°149 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Transformations de fond.

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