Canal+ and the luxuriant field of fiction


Former Head of the Création originale, Canal+

Seminar Creation | Tuesday March 22, 2022 - 8h45 - 11h00

Times have changed, but Canal+'s ambition and sense of quality have not. In 2007, Canal+ made fiction developed for its channel a key part of its premium positioning strategy. The series Carlos, Engrenages, and then Le Bureau des légendes helped to bring this strategy to fruition and place France on the map of exporting countries. If it was initially a question of standing out in the landscape of national channels, it is in a global, ultra-competitive context, structured by Netflix, Amazon and other very powerful players, that it is now necessary to succeed in standing out. The challenge that Canal+'s Création originale must meet is dual: beyond the classic but complex challenge of injecting a constantly renewed ambition, it is also necessary to convince the best talents in production of series to develop their projects with Canal+ rather than with rich and efficient competitors. This means demonstrating that they will find a unique creative space.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°159 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Pour faire un monde.

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