Six dinosaurs together to gain agility, what a funny idea!


Chief Operating Officer at Software République, Renault Group

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday November 21, 2022 - 17h30 - 19h30

When the French car manufacturer Renault launched Software Republic, bringing on board Atos, Dassault Systèmes, Orange, STMicroelectronics and Thales to meet the challenges of mobility – the new playground of car manufacturers, where software is omnipresent – one has the right to wonder if associating six dinosaurs is a good idea to gain in agility. This team, which varies from one project to the next, is not driven by R&D, but by the desire to rapidly take new markets positions. This original governance combines known ingredients such as incubation, open innovation or the start-up studio, not from a brilliant idea or a disruptive technology, but from the assets of partners who can solve customer problems and from the desire of at least three of them to unite their forces. The first feedbacks seem to confirm the interest of this way of putting software at the core of the activity of large companies.

The Phénix

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This session was published in issue n°161 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Mobilisation générale !.

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