The commitment of a pioneering sustainable fashion brand


Founder and artistic director of De Bonne Facture

Seminar Creation | Tuesday December 6, 2022 - 9h30 - 11h45

Taking part in the country’s re-industrialisation, promoting local industries, giving priority to natural materials, offering sustainable products... These contemporary issues were at the origin of the De Bonne Facture project in 2011. The idea was to create a men's wardrobe that was both timeless and modern, of high quality, by highlighting the ancient know-how of the French clothing industry in workshops that work exclusively on a subcontracting basis. Along the way, the brand has learned to deal with the realities of the "made in France" concept and to distance itself from a dominant vision in which innovation rhymes with disruption. Although it is rooted in french traditions, it quickly found support in Japan, the United States and Korea, where enthusiasts recognised themself in its search for authenticity, beautiful gestures and beautiful materials. This is an opportunity to prove that innovation can come from regeneration.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°161 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Mobilisation générale !.

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