Fondateur et directeur culturel de Kléber Rossillon

Seminar Creation | Tuesday June 6, 2023 - 8h45 - 11h00

Here, a derelict castle used as a stone quarry; there, another one overgrown by vegetation. Both now boast three Michelin stars and welcome over 200,000 visitors a year. These transformations are the result of the work of Kléber Rossillon, operator of twelve sites in France as diverse as the Château de Castelnaud, the hanging gardens of Marqueyssac, the prehistoric Cosquer and Chauvet caves and the Ardèche train. The eponymous company has developed expertise in visitor itinerary design. This is based on a constant focus on emotion, on the flow and timing of the visit, and on the quest for the outstanding and the desire to share discoveries based on visual elements. The company’s developments are fuelled by a constant creativity in enhancing the sites’ potential, which can lead it, for instance, to reconstitute Middle Ages war machines to give the public a better grasp of a fortified castle.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°165 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Renouveler les regards, libérer les potentiels.

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