Is it impossible to reform an administration ?

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Christian SERRADJI

Director, Affaires Maritimes et des Gens de Mer (Maritime affairs and seamen)

Seminar Management of civil servants | Wednesday January 27, 1999

Following his long experience as General Secretary of MODAC (Mission d'Organisation des Administrations Centrales : Mission for the organisation of centralised administrations), Christian Serradji was asked to reform and modernise the Marine Administration. He undertook a global reform with the aim of changing both its structure and its personnel management, based on a detailed analysis of the administration's characteristics, history and its fundamental State missions in the different areas concerned. The story of the upheavals which resulted within an administration which was used to working with limited financial means and which was threatened with slow death, reveals the importance of the choices taken by an atypical and very charismatic director in order to reform this sort of company.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°18 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Étiquettes .

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