The civil service : global reforms or local restructuring ?

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Nicolas TENZER

Head of the Government economic advisory committee on the evaluation and modernisation of the State

Seminar Management of civil servants | Friday February 19, 1999

For the past four years, Nicolas Tenzer, the head of the Government economic advisory committee on the evaluation and modernisation of the State, has run the 'Club for civil servants'. This is an inter-ministerial think tank which questions possible reforms, particularly the areas of projected budget management of employment and skills which include mobility, methods of recruitment, low-skill, atypical or casual employment, and supervision. It would appear that on the one hand employment in the three civil services is very badly understood while on the other hand significant reforms should be undertaken and a complete supervisory system should be put into place. The question is whether it would be preferable to encourage local initiatives which will gradually transform the administration, or to create upheavals which are unlikely to lead to a successful conclusion ?

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