Future technological prospects in research management

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Françoise CHARBIT

In charge of future technological prospects, CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique : French Atomic Energy Authority)

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday May 19, 1999

The future technological prospects unit of the Direction of Advanced Techniques at the CEA has the aim of giving a long-term vision to research activities. The unit combines technologies with the technological functions which they can fulfil. The uses associated with each of these functions are listed together with their development. At each level, the unit analysts identify and compare possible alternatives in terms of technological choice for the potential users, taking into account their strategies, in order to arrive at scenarios which allow the researchers to realise their activities in the face of economic and competitive realities. This may sometimes result in certain investments being delayed, others being accelerated, the creation of project groups or other projects being put on hold. The search for future technological prospects has other advantages such as showing the value of research, creating original ideas, but also creating awareness in order not to miss opportunities when they arise.

The entire article was written by:

Gérard DRÉAN

This session was published in issue n°20 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Précieuses racines.

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