The remarkable success of the review “Sciences Humaines”

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Jean-François DORTIER

Rédacteur en chef de Sciences Humaines

Seminar Working breakfasts | Tuesday May 16, 2000

Jean-François DORTIER did academic studies following a rather unusual way : he began studying mathematics, then he knew to be wrong and turned to philosophy, after then to psychology, and after then to sociology : he actually dreamed to publish a review dedicated to every kind of human science, where it could be possible to get informations on the progresses in these various subjects. He launched out into that challenge with his friend Jean-Claude RUANO, despite the critical attitude of the publishers and press groups they appealed to. Today the review “Sciences Humaines” is sold in newsstands and is a success without the like abroad : the number of each issue distributed amounts above 40,000 and the turnover reaches 22 million francs. Jean-François DORTIER explains the keys of this success by the “catamaran betting” : building up a light body, changing the hindrances into trumps, and crossing the fingers to get the wind blowing in one’s sails…

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This session was published in issue n°26 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le management en chefs-d’œuvre .

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