New technologies and the renewal of processes of innovation in management consultancy

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Richard SEURAT

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (CGE&Y), directeur International, conseil en stratégie et transformation

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday September 19, 2001

Following the example of all the service professions, management consultancy is particularly concerned with the arrival of the Internet and technologies for data processing. Management consultancy should adapt itself to this structural element. It should also rethink its own strategy and its processes of innovation, as Richard Seurat, drawing on his experience as head of the strategy and change management department of CGE&Y, demonstrates. This study concerning innovation in consultancy has allowed some fundamental questions to be tackled : for example, can a market of ideas ever exist ? do consultants sell things other than dreams or ready-made solutions ? does the alternation of managerial styles constitute a commercial strategy or is it a necessity in the acrobatic art of management ?

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