Myth and reality in company universities

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In charge of the Corporate Business Academy, EADS

Seminar Business life | Friday January 10, 2003

Hervé Borensztejn has been in charge of three company universities in succession : Vivendi Management, LVMH House, and the Corporate Business Academy of EADS. Among the common features that he found in all the three places were the changing trends in companies and the training of managers. These were the major areas of concern in these universities. If the communication of academic knowledge is just an adjunct, is the term 'university' suitable ? Why do these universities have such a short life expectancy ? Should they be confined to the elite ? Do the two thousand company universities in the world conform to the same photofit picture ? These and many other questions fuelled a very animated discussion, highlighting the diversity of the different universities.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°42 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Les vertiges de la mondialisation.

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