Family businesses and globalisation

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Former Chairman and Managing Director, Joker

Seminar Business life | Friday March 7, 2003

In 2001, three leading brands in the French drinks industry were bought by foreign groups. Joker, the indisputable market leader of fruit juices in France, was one of them. Was this the natural result of globalisation ? Even in an atmosphere of globalisation, Joker, a family business, was one of the companies which was able to get out while the going was good, by emphasising the advantages of being a family-run business, and its success based on quality, innovation, and advertising. However, two consecutive years of disappointing results left no option other than to sell. Having lived through these events on the inside, Gaëtan Monchovet analyses the advantages of family-run businesses in the business world and their limitations in the face of globalisation. This leads him to question the place they can occupy in today’s economy.

The entire article was written by:

Thomas PARIS

This session was published in issue n°42 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Les vertiges de la mondialisation.

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