The case for a Strategic Research Ministry

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Jean-Pierre CAUSSE

Académie des technologies, Former director of research, Saint-Gobain Group

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday April 7, 2004

At a time when mechanisms for managing and financing research are judged to be unsatisfactory both for researchers and for managers of public institutions and for supervisory authorities and bodies which control and carry out assessments, the Research Minister asked the Académie des technologies for advice on how to improve the way in which French research was run. Jean-Pierre Causse's suggestion was to create a ministry in charge of all civilian research funds, as well as funds supporting research and technological investment for companies. This ministry would not have to supervise public establishments. It would be helped by an advisory board of about twenty people. It would concentrate on strategic arbitration, European coordination, and the development of state contracts with the different bodies involved. It would have an intervention fund to carry out actions which are not listed in the state contracts and could let the companies be in charge of their own research. The Académie des technologies report can be found at the following website : “”:

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