Bringing moonlighting into the open : the Naples experience

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Professor, Economic policy, President, National Committee for the investigation of unregulated work

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Director, National Confederation of the Craft Industry, Naples

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday July 7, 2004

In 1997, the Prodi government decided to “expose moonlighting” to bring it in line with the law. For tax reasons, this action was in the interest of the State, but it was also in the interest of employers for security and pension reasons. The employers were sceptical and therefore appropriate incentives had to be devised to win them round. A national committee, directly supervised by the Prime Minister, was created to organise activities which were as close as possible to what was going on in practice. Luca Meldolesi, its president, and Nicola Campoli, director of the Confederation of the Neapolitan craft industry, describe the surprising results of this initiative.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°51 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Gérer en eaux troubles.

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