Making one’s voice heard in Brussels

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Consultant, co-founder, European Public Policy Advisors, Brussels

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Jacques du PUY

Managing director, Bayer CropScience Europe (agro-chemistry)


Member, cabinet of the European Commissioner

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday October 4, 2004

France is the fourth most popular country for foreign students following the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. However, it is often criticised for difficulties in understanding its system of ‘grandes écoles’ and universities. There are also problems for foreign students in gaining access to the most prestigious courses. Generally speaking, the French system is criticised for not making foreign students feel at home in France. Although necessary improvements for the system in general have already begun, there remain two opposing fundamental views : should we bring our teaching into line with international standards, in other words American standards, and run the risk of losing our traditions of excellence ? Or should we keep the best of what we have to offer and incorporate the best ideas from abroad ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°52 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Face au gigantisme.

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