Seminar Management of Innovation
Wednesday November 17, 2004
FutuRIS (Recherche, Innovation, Société : Research, Innovation, Society) is an independent, prospective organisation, operating over a fifteen year period, focussing on the French research and innovation system. Several hundred people with various points of view have already contributed to this project. Its originality lies in the participation of a diverse group of experts examining all the components of the system (public and private research workers, social and economic demands, the international environment, regional and European dynamics, and so on). FutuRIS has established the assessment of possible changes and the measures needed to make them viable, and has above all stimulated lively discussion which has led to a number of recommendations. At a time when research is an important topic of conversation, and when the government is considering laws relating to the direction and planning of research and innovation, it is important to discuss the changes which are possible in a system which has adapted badly to the important issues.
The entire article was written by:
Michel BERRY
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