Kalisto : the challenges of shared creativity

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Nicolas GAUME

Consultant, Founder and former Chairman and Managing Director, Kalisto

Seminar Creation | Tuesday March 22, 2005

The story of Kalisto, a dazzling entrepreneurial success, is that of a company that was created when video games were booming. The company consisted of an exceptionally creative work-force of young enthusiasts, and succeeded in developing a business-like approach and adapting to a very tough economic environment. The creation studio is characterised by major economic issues including an unpredictable and volatile demand, constantly changing technologies and enormous development budgets. In order to manage staff under such circumstances, it is essential to understand the fundamental nature of video games. Kalisto’s success was based on the importance that was attached to the mysticism between technology and new ideas and depended on the development of a management system focussed on teamwork and group creativity. In this way, the manufacture of video games can be regarded as a model for dealing with problems concerning management.

The entire article was written by:

Thomas PARIS

This session was published in issue n°55 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Les jeux, la fête, le management.

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