How should one encourage the development of innovative companies in France ?

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Gérard WORMS

Associate manager, Rothschild Bank

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday June 15, 2005

In the context of the FutuRIS operation, the ANRT (Association nationale de la recherche technique : National Association for Technical Research) has created a working party in order to develop concrete propositions to encourage the development of companies with innovative ideas or projects. Whereas recent American companies are quickly listed on the stock market without being weakened by this chain of events, new French companies encounter structural difficulties related to financing, taxation, partnerships and the French regulatory environment. Gérard Worms, president of the working party, presents recommendations which are based on an in-depth analysis of the budgetary, cultural and administrative constraints with which France is faced. Their aim is to reconcile support for industrial leaders, small companies and young, innovative companies by helping them to get started, and to help their development and their introduction on the stock exchange.

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