The perpetual entrepreneur

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Laurant WEILL

President, board of directors, Visiware; president, AFDESI (Association française de la télévision interactive : French association for interactive television)

Seminar Business life | Friday November 4, 2005 - 9h30 - 12h

At the age of sixteen Laurant Weill sold home-made alarms and created computer kits to make pocket money. A year later, he was programming one of the first management software packages for PCs and formed a company to sell it. Subsequently, he developed a company importing English computers and later created three other companies in the video game sector, thereby taking part in the arrival and growth of this industry in France. In 1993, worried by the future of this market, he decided to sell off his shares in order to launch a new solo project. He entered the world of interactive television and worked 'against the flow' for twelve years, creating a market in which he is now world leader. The story of the risky and exemplary career of this perpetual entrepreneur allows us to reveal the answers to two questions : what constitutes an entrepreneur's genius, and what makes him tick ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°58 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Pouvoirs du rêve.

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