A strange institution attempting to stimulate creation

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Gérard LAIZÉ

Managing director, VIA (Valorisation de l'innovation dans l'ameublement : Promotion of innovation in the furniture business)

Seminar Creation | Tuesday February 13, 2007 - 8h45 - 10h45

The VIA is not in the business of selling. It is quite easy role to say to car manufacturers that they have only been interested in the style of cars for the past twenty years, or to say to a commercial electronics engineer that customers hide their television sets inside pieces of furniture. This is straightforward because the VIA's role is that of an activist, solely interested in innovation with a strongly held and political view about design and is not concerned with selling. The VIA is a unique institution, recognised internationally and financed by a specially allocated tax. It is there to help all those involved in the creation chain related to furniture and the living environment. The VIA analyses trends, provides financial support for creation, helps to promote this sector, and puts people in touch with one another. It has a wide range of services and for the past twenty-six years has been the interface between the world of creation, the market and the economy in order to support French creation.

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Élisabeth HIMBER

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